There were another vim plugin post last year for C development. The collection was somewhat out-of-date, though it does not depends on many external tools (git, python, etc). I have upgraded the collection a lot lately to make it morden, and also support development with Python.


Requirements: vim compiled with python support, git.

Optional: python-jedi, python-flake8, clang

Download this vimrc file.

Clone Vundle to vim folder

mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

In vim command, input :PluginInstall<CR>, the plugins should be automatically installed.


Package management.

Manage directories, <F3> to toggle.

Comment/uncomment codes with [NUM],cc / [NUM],cu in normal mode.

Better taglist, <F4> to toggle.

Beautiful status line.

Integration with git.

Snippet support. In insert mode, [KEYWORD]<tab> to trigger. Customize snippet template in ~/.vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/*.snippets.

General purpose auto completion, string, path etc. They have a newer version neocomplete, which requires lua support. I prefer this one. <tab> for cycling suggestions, / to close popup

Compiler level completion support for for C/C++/ObjC. Requires clang .so or .dylib in the PATH. Trigger with . -> ::, manual trigger by ?? in insert mode. <F5> checks error. Use .clang_complete file in the project folder for flags, example


Resolve confliction between clang_complete and neocomplcache. set let g:neocomplcache_force_overwrite_completefunc=1, and they should take over completefunc in turn.

Completion for python, triggerred by . from xxx etc, manual trigger ??.

Python error and pep8 convention check <F5>.

Buffer/MRU/File management. <C-p> to trigger.

Alternative file switch (.c/.h). ,aa in normal mode.

Integrate commandline into vim.

  • [multi-cursor](

Multiple cursor support like sublime. <C-n> in normal mode or visual mode to trigger.

Grep integration.

Python indention as block. [{ ]} to jump around.


jj map to <ESC> in insert mode.

]b [b [NUM],b to switch buffers.

,f ,F to cycle around quickfix entries.

<F2> to insert time.

<F12> to close buffer.

s in normal mode to insert single character.

<space> map to : in normal mode.

<C-c> in visual mode, <C-v> in insert mode for system clipboard.