Python and package installation on MAC
This guide assume root access to the computer. Otherwise, refer to this article for non-root installation from source code.
Normally, the installation is much straightforward on Linux, either apt-get or yum can help resolve the dependencies. For Windows users, here are the pre-compiled packages available The installation on MAC is not difficult, but there might be some small troubles that make you not happy.
Install xcode for developer
Download and install xcode from apple app store, then open a terminal and type
xcode-select --install
Type gcc in the terminal to check the tools are properly installed
This guide uses macports, which can be find here. Remember to select the right version for your system or it wont work. Then in the terminal, type
sudo port selfupdate
Install python and basic scientific librarys
Install the scipy stack
sudo port install py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib py27-ipython +notebook py27-pandas py27-sympy py27-nose
This may take a while. After the installation finished, all the packages will be located in /opt/local/
, which is the default installation path of macports. Since MAC OS shipped a python, we have to change that
sudo port select --set python python27
sudo port select --set cython cython27
sudo port select --set sphinx py27-sphinx
sudo port select --set ipython ipython27
sudo port select --set py-sympy py27sympy
This will make python
point to the right version.
Other package
To find other packages with macport, type
port search scikit-learn
which gives you
py-scikit-learn @0.15.2 (python, science)
Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
py26-scikit-learn @0.15.2 (python, science)
Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
py27-scikit-learn @0.15.2 (python, science)
Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
py32-scikit-learn @0.15.2_1 (python)
this port is only a stub and has been made obsolete by py34-scikit-learn
py33-scikit-learn @0.14.1_1 (python, science)
Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
py34-scikit-learn @0.15.2 (python, science)
Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python
For the other package not in the repository, use
python install --user
This places the files in ~/Library
. This is important, otherwise the files mess up the macport tree while not notifying it.
homebrew can achieve this similarly. It does not conflict with macport so you can have them both in the system. Normally, I use macport for python exclusively and homebrew for the other software.